Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The 2012 Presidential Elections Campaign Starts

By Semperpapa

November 3rd. Mid-term elections of 2010 are behind us and the American people have spoken.

A red tide of conservatism has covered the Nation, where the tired American people placed their educated bets on a new breed of Republican politicians, in the hope that they will do the business of the people.

November 3rd. Also the day the 2012 Presidential campaign starts. The President held a press conference today in which he took responsibility for the unceremonious beating that his party received at the polls.
As he should. The majority of those Democrats that received the pink slip on Tuesday were Congress members that had supported the President’s agenda.

I was in the car at the time Obama made his mea culpa speech this morning, and while taking the humble road, as much as Obama is capable of humility, I could not help but remember the arrogance that the man exhibited just few days before the elections. Statements regarding “Republicans to the back of the bus” certainly words carefully laced with deep racial undertones; or when he referred to the American people as “the enemy” when addressing a Hispanic audience, kept on resounding in my head.
Sure he retracted those words, but I am tired of people making obnoxious statements only to follow them with an anemic “I am sorry” designed to just making everything just go away.

Offering the back of the bus to Republicans has been one of the major activities of the current administration, avoiding any contact with the minority leadership in Congress throughout the infamous Obamacare discussions. After promising transparency, showing negotiations on C-Span, the dealings were made behind close doors, on Christmas Eve, in the middle of the night.
And as far as considering the American people, especially the “white” ones, enemies, almost every decision the man has made has been marked by the President’s ignoring the will of the people.

Today’s presser was nothing more than his first re-election campaign salvo personally brought forward by Obama.
The strategic approach he may be taking these days, while the bruises heal, is to build another castle of card of cooperation with the new Congress leadership. The future will be only known after it becomes past, but it is my deep opinion that the truth will show up long before the 2012 elections, as we will face an onslaught of cunning on the part of Obama and his re-election machine.

Already the DNC has filed a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request for Pentagon files regarding several individuals who may become potential adversaries of Obama for the Presidency.
Individuals like Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, John Thune and several others, who will become an immediate target of the forces of George Soros and attack dogs.
Hopefully, folks on the side of the people will do just as well to respond in kind. This point in our history it is not the time to engage in gentlemen like behavior. Not the time to take the high road, as the saying goes, because the high road will only take our country to fall from a higher elevation when the forces of anti-Americanism will finally show their true intentions.

I predict that the next two years will be some of the worst times for the American people, as the usual suspects aided by the slightly less adoring Media, will bombard us with spin and false information aimed at reversing the damage done upon Obama by the People on November 2nd 2010.

And so it starts. The machine is set in motion for the further radicalization of America and the attacks will come from a multitude of directions. Only information and knowledge will prevent us, the People, from falling victims to the radical forces and lose our country.

Just my thoughts!

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