Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Afghanistan Must Be Resolved

By Semperpapa

The latest from Afghanistan are ugly. Besides the casualties and the recent bold attacks on coalition bases, we are now treated by the about-face of Karzai.

Over the weekend, the Afghan president declared, in an interview with an American newspaper, that he wants the combat footprint of coalition forces to be reduced.

Gen. Patreaus was not impressed with the declarations from Karzai, as I would imagine he would not be.

Lest he forgets, Mr. Karzai should at least remember that the only reason he is able to still walk around and make stupid comments is thanks to the American Military and its allies. If not for the coalition protection, he would have met his virgins long time ago.

If the US forces had a real Commander-in-Chief, Karzai would find out that the only footprint he would have to concern himself with would be the one up his ass.

My sympathy goes to Gen. Patreaus, who finds himself in a no-win situation.
On the Afghan side he has Karzai, his secret negotiations with the Taliban and a man always ready to make a deal with the devil.
On the Washington side, he has a CiC that by his own writing, will side with the Muslims if things turn ugly, and a president who would be happier with bringing the troops home in defeat to insure that the "imperialistic" posture of the United States is negatively affected.

If that was not enough, there are some rumors on the net that Obama has ordered the Military in Afghanistan to carry unloaded weapons while on patrol.
I have a hard time believing this, even from Obama. But this is something that can be verified.
So I ask anyone who has a loved one currently deployed in Afghanistan to make it a point to ask their Military member, at the earliest possible occasion, if this order is true.

It has always been my contention that the war against the Taliban is considered as a annoying distraction by the current regime. So it is the vigilance of the American people that is of greatest importance. As we have seen, We the People can still have a say in things.

Just my thoughts!

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