Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wikileaks Is Getting To Be Annoying Now

By Semperpapa

The new release of about 250,000 classified documents on the part of the bottom feeders at Wikileaks is in process now.
Personally, I just had about enough of this congregation of anarchists so hell bent on creating a global state of chaos, as if the current economic conditions have not been enough.

This latest scam on the part of the whistleblower web site is dedicated to the publication of secret and confidential diplomatic correspondence that was intended to remain out of the public knowledge.

Correspondence between embassies officials and the State Dept., or between officials of the State Dept. and foreign officials is at time done on the spur of the moment and in response to specific events. In any case, there are reasons why these communications, and everything else classified as secret, are deemed necessary to keep out of public knowledge.

In the majority of instances, such information is a matter of national security and becoming public could result in loss of the intelligence necessary to protect public safety.
The latest charade of Julian Assange is designed to show the chaotic international political scene. In reality, just as the scope was with the publication of secret documents about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is directed at fueling an international opposition to the United States and its Allies.

Personally, I could care less about any embarrassment some politician would be subjected to, as in the majority of cases they would most likely deserve it.
Where I have a problem, and a visceral one, is when the publication of certain secret documents would increase the danger to the lives of our Military, intelligence operatives and anti-terrorist operatives.
There are many individuals out in the world who are working diligently in countering the threats that our enemy represents. They are stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place as they have a ruthless enemy in front of them and a limp, weak and non-supportive political leadership at home.
Our Military is basically in the same place, as they are fighting a merciless enemy on one side and a Commander-in-Chief who has no real interest in reaching a victorious end to the fight against global terrorism.

European newspapers are beginning to publish the latest documents leaked while the American newspapers are following suit.
The NY Times is telling its readers, all five of them, that they are publishing the material because they feel that the American people are entitled to know what the government is doing in their name and to shed a light on the process the government follows to make decisions that affect the country.
In reality, the NY Times has never relinquished its part in publishing material harmful to America and especially the American Armed Forces, but until now, it had been mostly done to damage a Republican President, especially George W. Bush. The fact that the Times is doing this under the Obama regime and after being the mouth piece of this President, is testimony to the loss of hold Obama has suffered and the need for the Times to try to increase their circulation. Basically a purely economic reason that trampled their ideological adoration of Obama.

Finally, few words about the two people whose name is attached to these leaks.
Julian Assange, head of Wikileaks. I am so discouraged by the fact that this sub-human has not yet reached room temperature. In his effort to "uncover injustice" and "stop these wars" he is taking the chance of undermining already fragile political interactions across the globe. So there is a very good chance that this man's hunger for relevance, that his desire to see his face on news pages across the world could have the opposite result. Many more conflicts and many more lives could be the results of his actions.
Army Pvt. Bradley Manning. A 22-year old soldier who was able to accumulate all the information that he eventually passed to Assange. He has been in custody for several months now, awaiting court martial. This is a person who should be made an example of when it comes to treasonous conduct against our country at a time of war. It is my hope that both he and Assange may, at some early point in time, have to answer for their actions to a higher court.

And the gates of Hell will open up for them.

Just my thoughts!

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