Thursday, November 25, 2010

California Rush Toward The Abyss

By Semperpapa

Sadly, as the rest of the Nation is revitalized by the results of last elections, here in California we have moved from a steady, calculated walk toward socio-economic devastation of this once glorious state to a down right chaotic rush.

The ignorant, misguided people of California have elected Moonbeam Brown for governor; they have re-elected the corrupted and moronic Barbara Boxer to the US Senate; they have re-elected clowns like Maxine Waters and Henry Waxman; they have elected the ultra-progressive Gavin Newsome to the position of Lt. Governor.

Today, the San Francisco Chronicle reports that Kamala Harris has won the election for State Attorney General, after a drawn out recount of the votes and the concession of her opponent Steve Cooley.

The newspaper’s article is emphasizing the “good” qualities of this woman, starting with the fact that she is the first black, Indian-American woman to hold that office. Union leaders, gay activists and druggies are all hailing the victory of Harris, as are gang bangers, eco-terrorists and illegal aliens.

It also brings up the fact that she is against the death penalty, she is in favor of gay marriage and in support of medical marijuana, besides being an environmental activist supporter.

Ms. Harris based her campaign on her intention to join Gov. Brown in not defending Prop. 8 in court. The proposition, which would ban gay marriage, was widely passed by the people of the state in a past election and promptly challenged in state court on the basis of constitutionality.

Regardless of personal feelings on the subject, the fact that alleged sworn elected officials would openly disregard the will of the people and purposely act against it is a reality of the progressive decadence that this state has fallen into.

The environmental activism she champions is also slated to aggravate the current economic disaster of the state, as her pledge to pursue “vigorously” environmental issues, which really translates into a police state style persecution and over-regulation, will certainly have the consequence of driving even more small businesses out of California.

And if the people of California, at least those who still have few brain cells working, were hoping for an attorney General who would join so many others to challenge Obamacare, those hopes have been completely compromised by Harris’ victory, as she has sustained in her campaign that she would not challenge the disastrous health care reform (not surprising, considering that she is from the same conclave of liberalism Nancy Pelosi comes from).

Well, there we have it. A once world economic power that was California, reduced to a conglomeration of pure progressive activism, where criminals have friends in powerful places and soon will have a complete run of the state. The failed policies of San Francisco will now be extended to the rest of California, with law abiding citizens becoming the criminals and gangs, unions and illegal aliens gaining free rein in their take over of the state.

Just my thoughts!

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