Sunday, November 7, 2010

More Hypocrisy From The Religion Of Peace, And Our "Leaders"

From Semperpapa

The largest Catholic Church in Baghdad was attacked by Islamic terrorists linked to al-Qaeda last week.
The gunmen entered the Church during services armed with hand grenades and suicide vests.

After a standoff that lasted hours, Iraqi security forces stormed the Church and that is when the killing begun.
While two priests and several policemen are among the casualties, the majority of those killed by the exploding devices carried in by the terrorists are women and children.

According to sources from the Iraqi government, most of the terrorists were killed or captured,

Supposedly, the terror unit had previously attacked the Stock Exchange in Baghdad, subsequently turning their attention on the worshipers congregated at the Church of Our Lady of Deliverance, the largest Catholic Church in the Iraqi capital.
The attackers took 120 faithful hostages for four hours and at the end of the ordeal, after security forces stormed the church, the death toll was 58 killed, including one priest and 17 policemen, and 75 wounded.

The operation against the Christians was claimed by an al Qaeda linked group called The Islamic State of Iraq, who released the following statement on their web site:

"The Mujahedeens raided a filthy nest of the nests of polytheism, which has been long taken by the Christians of Iraq as a headquarter for a war against the religion of Islam and they were able by the grace of God and His glory to capture those were gathered in and to take full control of all its entrances,"

Iraqi Christians connected to some of the people who had been held hostage stated that they expect these attacks to increase in the country, because they do not see any effort on the part of the government to address this issue.

This is the latest in the saga of Christians’ life in Muslim countries. And my personal belief is that the situation will get a lot worst as the forces of the West, including America, increasingly abandon Christians and ignore their right to worship.
It is quite infuriating to witness the persecution of Christians by Islamic radicals, while at the same time having to listen to declarations from Indonesian representatives at the UN Human Rights Commission accusing America of intolerance toward Muslims.

But it is even more infuriating to have complete silence on the part of the American political leadership, about these sorts of attacks. The silence is deafening!
Those of us who have protested the building of the mosque near Ground Zero have been treated to an incessant string of accusations of Islamophobia and racism and intolerance, while the same sources of these accusations remain completely silent in regard to the open and violent intolerance that the “religion of peace” continues to display on a daily basis around the world.

Then we have our so-called political leadership here in America. While the massacre in Baghdad took place as the Nation was in the middle of our mid-term elections final drive, there was no taking up position on the part of the State Department or the White House on the event. The President had the time to make his PR rounds on nightly shows and every media outlet that gave him a podium, but had no time to issue a statement in regard to the situation in Iraq. And Sec. of State Clinton continued her world tour unperturbed.

If the Iraqi government is really faltering in protecting the Christian population in that country, there should have been a public and decisive positioning of the President to pressure that government to insure the freedom of worship of its citizens.
The main problem is that Iraq is the forgotten issue for the Obama administration. It is a subject that regime tries to avoid like the plague, notwithstanding the presence of 50,000 American troops still there in harm’s way.

I guess the lives of these troops and that of few thousands Iraqi Christians are a small price to pay to score a personal political victory for Obama.

Just my thoughts!

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