Saturday, November 13, 2010

Certain Things Should Never Happen In First Place

By Semperpapa

We all have been in that position: someone says or does something awful to us and, if we react, we get one of those fake “just kidding” or “sorry” expressions aimed at just mollify our outrage. That may solve the immediate issue at that time, but we are left with the uneasy wondering of why it has happened in the first place and how sincere the other person really is.

This is one of those cases.

In the Central California city of Denair, 13-year old Cody Alicea was proudly displaying the American Flag on his bicycle wherever this young man went, including school.

In an age of morbid apathy, the proud expression of patriotism on the part of a 13-year old should be bringing a smile on the faces of the adults in charge.

But not for those in charge at Cody’s school.

A school official, citing “complaints” received from other students, ordered Cody to remove the flag from his bike. The reasoning given by the officials was that they were trying to avoid any potential racial disturbance and that they were concerned about Cody’s safety.

Interestingly, Cody had been displaying Old Glory for months, but the school waited until Veterans Day week to communicate its ruling.

As usual in these cases, public uproar, once the news spread, forced the school officials to rescind their decision and told Cody he could fly his little flag after all. Just kidding!

But there are several problems with this situation.

The act of preventing a school boy, or anybody for that matter, to display our Flag is a fragrant violation of our freedom of speech. I cannot help but believe that if Cody would have tried to burn the flag or deface it in any way, the action would have been deemed fine by the ever sensitive school officials.

And I am also sure that if some Mexican child would have decided to sport the Mexican flag, his or her action would be tolerated and considered as a school victory in the search for benign multiculturalism.

On to the issue of safety. I wonder what would happen if some student would complain about another student wearing a t-shirt with the face of Che Guevara on it. I wonder if the school would tell the one sporting the face of mass murderer to refrain from wearing the garment. And I wonder how fast the ACLU would jump in the fray and file law suits.

Moreover, was the concern about Cody’s safety born from actual threats made by other students? If so, were their parents immediately summoned to the school to address the problem?

Common sense tells me that they were not.

So the school engaged in the typical “sorry, just kidding” approach, where suddenly the “complaints” of other students and concerns the safety of Cody were no more. And this move leaves me with a sense of uneasiness and a high level of skepticism.

In reality, I believe that the whole thing was an attempt on the part of a progressive school official at just another slow erosion of any possible sense of love-of-country expression.

With the lame excuse of concern for the kid’s safety, they attempted to establish policy that would scare their target into the dark corner of political correctness. Display of the American Flag is offensive and dangerous, but display of any other country’s flag is a sign of diversity and acceptance.

This is the hypocritical mantra of progressivism that has pervaded our institutions, including and especially the education system.

But there is a silver lining in this whole story.

If the family of Cody would have just accepted the school’s decision blindly, the progressive school officials would have scored a small, but significant victory in their continuous war against American values and American culture, not to mention a victory against the US Constitution.

But the fact that Cody’s family stood up to the thugs showed that if the American people are willing to make a stand for their rights and beliefs they can actually successfully stop the tsunami of progressivism, as America has witnessed in the last elections.

Ultimately, it is up to each one of us. The anti-American forces at work in our country, may they be at high level like the White House and the various czars or at the lowest level of a small town school board, are working diligently at destroying America as we know it and love it.

We the People are all that it’s left and we must remain vigilant in our own neighborhoods and push back when necessary.

Just my thoughts!

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